
Thursday, 28 September 2017

This week in reading I worked on LPG 5 "I can evaluate and integrate ideas and information across few texts." 
This week in maths I worked on LPG 14 "solve Multiplication and division problems." 

Facts About Laughing Owls

This week in Writing I work on LPG 6 " I can edit and re-craft to make my ideas clearer and more interesting.

Laughing Owls

Female has the babies.
The babies came out in eggs and hatch.
Did you know a Laughing Owl is Twice the size of a Moreporks.
Laughing Owls Laugh.
Laughing Owls were extinct in 1914.

Thursday, 7 September 2017

This week in Reading I work on LPG 5 "I can evaluate and integrate ideas and information across a few text.
This week in Writing I worked on LPG 9 " I can independently select and write in different ways and different purposes."